All of us need someone to tell us this. To be brave at a point when we are shrinking into a sack because we feel we are not good enough or not strong enough or ready enough. The fact is that there is never enough in any of these. In being good, in having strength or in being ready. The best players never feel ready for the game. They always know they could have done better if there was more time, better teachers or more practice. But there is never an amount of any of those that would totally satisfy you. The problem is that we complicate our life situations by thinking of insignificant obstacles. ” Oh, too many audience, I cant do this speech. ” “Too much hard work, I cant do this project.” “Too great a person, I cant date that standard.” “Too risky a job, I rather stay away.” Every time we repeat such a negative statement in our head, our head has a bad habit of believing them. It keeps diminishing its potential and treating you like a mediocre human being and you start abiding by it. You start running away from the things you are capable of accomplishing. Because you are scared of the racing heart-beat, the sweating forehead, the running thoughts, the “next is me”-scare. We start feeling “I cant do this.” This feeling of numb tension comes because we think these frightening sensations occur only to us. But the truth be told, if there are a thousand million humans on the surface of the Earth, each one of them goes through the same biological functioning during these moments of uncertainty. So once you know this, you must, I repeat “must” spin your life round. It’s indeed a shame, if you give up to the sinking feeling, the butterflies in your stomach (It’s not even a caterpillar, just a cute fluttering butterfly), the sweat beads on your forehead (it’s just summer or let’s say you got high pressure- Big deal!). When you ought to be the most brave is that one time, called the first time. The first time you go up on stage, the first time you address a crowd, the first time you admit your feelings, the first time you protest. That “first time” is the crucial one. Just get yourself to somehow do it for the first time and you are good to go. If this helps, “99% of the things we are worried about don’t even happen”. And this is scientifically tested. So, can you believe the amount of tension you took up till now for that 1% chance of fucking it up on that stage? for ruining your impression in front of your crush? for making a fool of yourself? Most probably, none of them would even ever happen! But you stressed out on those, you fed yourself negative energy just because you were unsure of yourself. Now, that you are richer in knowledge, would you do me a favor? Would you please be brave today? :*


  1. Ibrahim Sahi · April 2, 2014

    Amazing article .

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