
I lived for almost 20 years of my life the way the society wanted me to live. I always considered before taking any mineal action even, what my Baba, Maa, Didi, Dada, neighbor Gupta uncle, the domestic help Latika Mashi, the chai stall-owner Shyamal would think of it. I mean I used to feel so much under a camera, the entire while that I would keep myself automatically under check. In short, I was living the life of all these people, some of whom didn’t even matter to me but mattered to my reputation. You really need to get this right. Reputation, my son is just and just “repetition”. It is the consistent repetition of actions that people approve of, things that are in the “do” list of the society’s scanner. Eventually, while you are growing up there will come, a time when you will realise how stupid you look when you follow that conformist crowd. You start believing that YOU will bring about a storm of change, of betterment, of cutting corruption, of rebellion. You gather some like minded souls too. You get some posters and stick them around town. A micro-view of that would be you start writing poetry of change. And after about a month, BANG! Your parents start complaining about your way of life, the loud metal music that you have taken solace in, the loose-fit drag clothes that you start putting on. All seem to be defiant in character. You get labelled a deviant who was once a good boy that got ruined by bad choice in friends.  Ultimately your smoking, drugs and girls get all the blame. So, you can sit and relax, you know! Every normal child goes through this. But you know, again there will come a point where you will realise how those Reshma Aunties and Shekhar Uncles don’t give a damn till your results come out. Their prime concern remains that their boy Azaad gets atleast point five more than you. Hypocrisy right? So, when you realise this at such an early stage…do you still wanna live the dream of all those not-so-concerned people? Let them dictate what clothes you are gonna wear? Since Sharma Auntie’s daughter was looked down upon for wearing thebackless last month? You are gonna let them select your field of study? I mean ask me… around 20 people came and advised me not to go for Mass Com, I know they had their reasons and logistics but Hello! I was THE ONE changing stream, I was already going through a nervous upheavel, the least you could have done was to boost my confidence saying ” Koi gal nahi, You will do great!” When you want to wear that red lipstick there will always be that one person saying” Oh God, you look like a prostitute! Quick, take my wet wipe”. No! Don’t you dare wipe that beautiful shit off! Can you please be you for once and enjoy?! I guarantee you, if you keep “repeating” this quality too, it gets imbibed into you. Your cool doesnt’t have to match your friend’s cool. Your choice and your thinking can never be the same as your boyfriend’s or best friend’s. So, stop beating yourself up for that. Remember, society wont come to help you when you follow their instructions and fuck it up. So, it’s better ALWAYS, to fuck it up your cool way! :* 

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