Back from the ashes

She’s 60 something years old. A frail structure with clothes almost hanging off her bones. Extremely unkempt grey hair curling and meandering all over her tiny face. She’s a moving picture of zero self care through the years. You can find an uncanny resemblance between her physical form and that of the stick she leans on. While she peels vegetables sitting at a harrowingly empty dinner table, you can see a photo frame in the background – perched upon a shabby cabinet embracing dust through the ages.

The photograph is starkly different from what you see now. The lady in the photo is smiling ear-to-ear, pearl white teeth glistening like the sun on a reflective surface. Surrounded by a handsome male in military uniform, three giggly kids and the same cottage in the background – only more colorful and vibrant.

To compare the old lady with the 20 year old woman in the photograph was almost heartbreaking. Fine lines had created a map on her face magnifying her life’s journey. Her face was sporadically dotted with peaks and valleys and some rivers that originated at her droopy, squinted eyes and never left the map. From her pace and style of movement, you could judge that she hadn’t left the house in ages. Why someone would volunteer for house arrest was beyond my imagination but I am sure there was a rationale behind it that I couldn’t judge.

An eerily annoying sound started taking shape right outside her fragmented window, it was disturbing at first and unbearable after a point. So much so that the old lady had to look up and go ‘Tch!’ like she was scolding a little boy for being naughty. As I saw her get up from her chair and peep outside, she witnessed a rabble of bees encircling an area of her garden. But thanks to her problematic vision, that’s all she could decipher from the distance. I am sure she was devastatingly irritated by the sound as she made her way towards the door pushing it open with the help of the stick. Her face gave away the fact that she was unhappy to be outside but as she moved towards the swarm of bees, I saw her eyes shimmer like she saw gold! And there it was – a tangerine Dahlia looking up at her with the grace of a ballerina in her elegant tutu. I wanted to desperately capture this picture in my memory to remind myself often, what hope looks like.

The next morning, the door opened once again. This time the old lady had a beautiful crimson hat on, a floral dress that looked adorable against her wrinkled skin and yes, she carried a basket with a few garden tools in it. With an inch of a smile at the corner of her lips, she trudged towards the Dahlia like she was waving at a long lost friend. As she sat next to the flower and admired her garden with a sense of pride, she had discovered meaning and a sense purpose once again. Nature has strange ways of calling you, picking you up from darkness and bringing you to light, I thought.

Have you arrived?


Happiness is a state of mindOkay, so before getting started on this one, it is important for me to break it down for simpler understanding. So like most of you would be familiar with the hip phrases like “It’s not about the destination but about the journey” – through this blog post, I am trying to make better sense of it, for you and for myself.

More often than not, we make an effort to understand when it is that we can finally utter the golden words “I have arrived”. At least I did (for a long, long time). It was probably the idea of reaching the pinnacle of something-ness which would qualify me to declare myself “a master”.

But as we traverse and navigate through life, there is always a chance of treading upon newfound facts, figures and concepts which completely rinse out your previously held belief-system. I guess something of that sort happened to me as well. As I struggled with what’s in my head as opposed to what exists in reality, there were trigger points which washed away all the glory of ‘having arrived’, of having reached the destination.

Somehow without reaching the apex of it at all, I came to comprehend the magic of ‘not having arrived’. It was empowering/liberating to say the least. It was suddenly okay to not have arrived, to not have completed the journey, to not have become that inconspicuous self that I was waiting to be so proud of. What brought up this enlightenment, you ask? How about “I have no clue”? It was not necessarily a significant/outstanding moment of revelation but instead well-placed, scattered ‘aha’-moments which kept shifting that grain of thought into something quite the opposite.

The idea that we can be happy/satisfied only once a series of events have taken place, seemed so cruel and self-harming all of a sudden. It almost sounded like we were supposed to beat ourselves up throughout the journey, chanting in our heads the pathetic tune of “I’m not enough” till we win or we die. What a ridiculous way of living life or is it at all living?

Now of course I’m not saying do not push yourself to do better or do not bring out the best in you, all I’m saying is how about we do it all with a genuine smile on the face?


Sunburst - Ray Collins

Waves – They are like everywhere. In your hair, in your moves, in the gesture of a hand and in the incessant ups and downs of your life. They are beautifully scary, just like you. They can form the most beautiful coastline or be another name for devastation, it all depends on their mood. You can run away from them or you can choose to surf them…but you can’t ignore or escape them.

I am obsessed with the powerful roar of the sea and its endlessness. It reminds me of the most incredible women I have ever met. They are the most pleasant to enjoy from a distance yet they can wreck havoc and be a fuckin’ Tsunami if you call for it.

Spread Thy Wings


Today I let my heart open. How was it you ask? I felt colors release from my ribs and fly open in the air at a distance. My breath revealed the taste of mint gushing through my throat pipe, leaving a cool aftertaste in my mouth. My hair blew in the wind while I felt like I was standing at the edge of a green mountain, clouds surrounding my heart. Purple petals from some flower seemed to flow from the strands of my tangled orange hair. The flame was gone! I saw blue teardrops from my pupil touch the ground turning it into a stream of dreams, desire and wellness. I crossed my legs, sat down and went with the flow only to meet a river of love, kindness and beyond. Today I feel a little more open.

What do you see?


The morning sun is offline today. How do you feel about the gloomy sky overlooking your existence? Does it make you irritable? Or does it make you poetic?

My night lamp worked overtime last night – unpaid and drama free. It shed light on my journal as the pen (mightier than the sword) carefully cut through my ginormous ego and I bled all over the page.

When someone enters my room, they visibly encounter fresh bed sheets, a floral fragrance in the air and a pile of non-essential paperwork. The naked eyes miss out on the desolation, melancholy and meaningless efforts to live. I wonder if the internal ruckus is real or if the external is just a coherent manifestation of the voices in my head.

Lost and Found

Self Sabotage – This is how I introduce my story. People have it far worse than I do, but I have the magical ability (read: disability) to cook up negative stories in my head and pour cauldrons of sympathy onto my misfortunes. This somehow felt good to me, not that it cheered me up or made life easier, it just handed me the permission to remain curled up in bed and be useless. My mind was probably designed for far greater stuff, such as address a Ted audience, speak about my story, pen down incredible novels and travel to the furthest of lands, but all I utilized it for was to create saddening scenarios in my head such as how an ex-friend would feel when I will be on my death bed or how someone will regret mistreating me when I am far gone. I was a crisp script writer but my ideas could only be applied in horror movies. Some might imagine this as a form of sickness, but I knew I was losing control of my mind and that’s about it.

This culture went so far that I couldn’t craft a series of positive thoughts in my head at all! I would struggle to make things seem do-able. It was easier for me to give up, to not show up and to not take phone calls. I would binge-watch YouTube videos and feel practically exhausted from all the screen-staring and junk-consumption. It was bad. There was no one I could turn towards for help, as friends, family and lovers alike said “It was going to get better.” But it wasn’t, I was drowning and no one could hear me cry “Help”. So I rose, suited up and started my journey as my own super hero.

Nowhere To Be Found

Whiskey under her breath, cigarette stubs under her feet – a raging queen stepped out of her unmade bed. Dirty, unwashed curls hid the prettier half of her face. The eye make-up from last night seems to have made love to her face and refused to wear out. She stumbles upon an empty beer bottle lying on the floor of her rented apartment. In someone’s over-sized white office shirt she takes a stroll to the bathroom. That’s one space for contemplation about life, she thinks. Splashing her face with water from the rusty tap she looks up at her reflection in the stained mirror. She sees an unknown face, the girl she used to be, was nowhere to be found.

It’s raining thoughts.

A writer by day, an overthinker by night.

I hold onto bed cringes, I topple, I fight.
I bathe in dreams and I sleep in gloom,
I try not to step outside my room.
My room is my nest, my room is a furnace.
It tightens my anxiety​ to me like a harness.
I choke and I stab, I lose and I cry,
I try to remember the 13 reasons why.
I am a dead plant waiting for a drop of rain,
I don’t know how and I don’t know when.

#thoughts #Å¥houghtoftheday #thoughtcatalogue #elephantjournal #quotecatalogue #poetry #poetrycommunity

Ass Bad Ass It Gets.

Ass Bad Ass It Gets.

I stand in the middle of a loud club downtown. There’s mindless music enamoring the space and it goes something like *objectification of a woman’s body part* … bass drop… *some more objectification*. In the background modern, independent women are “putting their hands up in the air” and enjoying it.

Few shots down, a sweet girl exits the club and throws up on the bouncer. She looks unwell and in need of help. Clearly the boyfriend bailed, now she’s unconscious, alone and dehydrated on the dance floor surrounded by men and women with sparkling outfits from Zara and matt finish personalities from Maybelline. No one comes forward to help because the world is rejoicing to the glory of the ass.

Tiny Pink Pajamas

Sunday was a day of theater, little custard platters and Mom making the bed with a new, fresh sheet taking the place of the old, grumpy one. Mom managed to wake us up with the irritating yet so familiar sound of the spoon slapping the surface of the tea cup, announcing that tea was ready. I would wake up unhappy, one sock hanging from my toe and eye booger making me partially blind. Invariably I would land on the floor only to slip on a mini truck or hot wheel carefully placed for an accident (read: younger monster brother). As the smell of half burnt bread would awaken my olfactory nerves, I would make my way down to the dining room aka living area. Mind you, each furniture you touch or sit on here, will make a creaking sound declaring its age like an attention-seeking grandparent. At our house, we don’t believe in disposing stuff, sometimes not even the garbage… no wonder my younger siblings are still here.

We are a huge family, poor yet rich. Each one of us is unique in their retardedness and we have come to accept it. Except me, I am the cribbing older sister who finds her favourite books torn to pieces often times. I am the one who is supposed to act like a lady, pass on wisdom and pajamas to the younger devils. I hate them from morning till noon, by evening they manage to do something cute and as a reward I let them sit on my lap in their tiny pink pajamas and watch TV shows. Fine, I love them but I hate them too. Does that even make sense?

