She tried being “her”…


She loved the songs that brought back memories, she cried at movies where the girl died, she had all her gifts and greetings stacked up in the cupboard, she liked novels with happy endings, Christmas with grandparents, she liked raindrops on her face. She also did like women with a sense of humour, coffee with brown sugar, girl bands and their pathetic lyrics, the quilt with her mother’s smell, polaroid cameras and the lives they store, lavender and the sun, she liked black nailpaints … “It suits my personality, Mom” is what she had to say to her disturbed mother. What else did she like? Wait… Ah, she liked her Dad’s collection of CD’s on Buddhism, she wouldn’t admit but she liked writing journals (The one that reads at the cover-“Keep away from this Chamber of secrets”), her journal pages were often smudged with tears… tears of realization… tears of discovery… tears of non-conformity…of hatred towards the society and so much more. She covered up those tear droplets by designing those portions of the pages into a dragon or a warrior- never a Barbie. She loved her sister the most. So much so, that she was ready to give her beautiful wardrobe of pretty lace dresses for her. She was always a giver! She loved the gifts that Linda gave her for all her birthdays, they were on the top shelf always. How come she doesn’t see how much Steve, the cute topper likes her? He’s literally head over heels for her! It’s a pity that his gifts lay unrecognized at the mid-shelf. Even her mom wished Steve had a chance. “Stubborn” was the word her mother used for her. “Lesbian” was the word the neighbors decided on.”That explains a lot.”, gasped Steve in the Maths class.

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